This event was one of the highlights of my time doing photography. There was so much joy, and love for little Deeksha, who had come to them. I believe I will always remember the image of her grandmother and matriarchal women holding the ceremonial plate and singing to her softly the traditional chants and blessings that she was to receive. Guests would dip their fingers in one of the bowls and touch the top of little Deeksha's head. It was beautiful to watch. Each person at the celebration wanted to hold her, and take a picture with her. After the time that I had been hired to photograph, they offered me some of their elaborate Indian buffet. I accepted quickly. As I sat at my table eating, I stopped for a moment and surveyed the room. It was filled with stunning colors from the women's dress. It was filled with laughter and love. What a beautiful custom, and beautiful culture. Again, a highlight!

Thanks for posting Deeksha's cradle ceremony event